

  1、申请文科,商科、设计、表演预科课程,需要雅思5.5分,单项不能低于5.0 ,IBT:72。如果雅思为5分,可以申请语言中心的10周的夏季语言课程。
  2、申请工程、科学和合作课程,雅思要求5.0,但是包括写作在内3项必须达到5.0 ,IBT:68
  文科(Arts ) 、商业( Business) 、设计(Design)、工程(Engineering ) 合作课程( Joint Honours) 表演(Performance) 科学(Science) 学费:2010年:10200镑, 开学日:2010年9月15日,报名截止日:6月30日
  申请预科(Foundation)的截止日期一般为6月30日,超过截止日期的申请也会尽可能的考虑。但是,强烈建议提早申请,以  便如果得到录取,您有足够的时间进行安排。请牢记您还需要足够的时间来:
  ·申请英国居留签证United Kingdom Residence Permit (UKRP) 如果需要
  即使还没有收到最终的考试成绩,或还没有参加最终的考试,仍然可以申请预科(Foundation),这些情况您通常会收到"条件通知书(Conditional Offer)",即如果满足某些条件才能入学,这样您就能在6月30日前进行申请。
  ·在申请被受理前,必须提交已参加的考试成绩单副本,包括已达到的英语水平证书,可以通过邮寄、电子邮件附件或者  传真的形式,否则申请不予受理。
  录取通知书(Unconditional Offer)
  您符合所有的录取条件,发放无条件录取通知书(Unconditional Offer Letter)。您需要填写并发送Unconditional   Acceptance Form (A109)来确认您是否入学。
  条件通知书(Conditional Offer)
  如果还有考试未完成,但是过去的成绩良好,或者学业成绩已达到,但还没有英语成绩,通常会收到条件通知书 (Conditional Offer),以及Conditional Acceptance Form (A109/COND),也需要填写该表格确认是否接受该条件通知书。通知书将列明您还需要达到的入学条件,比如数学80分,雅思5.5等等。当达到这些 条件后,应尽快提交新的成绩单,这样学校会发送无条件通知书。
Arts (BA) 文科
Childhood Studies  儿童研究
Law (LLB) 法律
Communications  通信
Law and Accounting (BA/LLB) 法律与会计
Criminal Justice and Criminology 犯罪学
Law and Management (BA/LLB)  法律管理
Cultural Studies  文化研究
New Media 新媒体
Environmental Management 环境管理
Philosophy  哲学
Environmental Sustainability  环境
Politics  政治
Environment and Business 环境与商业
Politics and Parliamentary Studies 政治与议会
Fine Art  纯艺术
Social Policy  社会政策
History of Art  艺术史
Social Policy and Crime 社会政策与犯罪
History of Art with Museum Studies 博物馆
Sociology 社会学
History and Philosophy of Science 哲学
Thai and SE Asian Studies 泰语与东南亚研究
International Development 国际发展
Theology and Religious Studies神学与宗教
International Relations 国际关系
Business (BA/BSc)  商业
Accounting and Finance (BSc)  会计与金融
International Business (BSc) 国际商务
Accounting and Management (BSc) 会计与管理
International Business and Economics (BSc)             国际商务与经济
Business and Financial Economics (BSc)                  商业与金融经济
International Business and Finance (BSc)            国际商务与金融
Business Economics (BSc) 商业经济
Management (BA) 管理
Economics (BSc) 经济
Management with Marketing (BA) 市场管理
Economics and Management (BSc) 经济与管理
Management with Transport Studies(BA) 交通管理
Economics with Transport Studies (BSc) 交通经济
Mathematics with Finance (BSc) 金融数学
Human Resource Management (BA) 人力资源管理
Design (BA) 设计
Art and Design   艺术与设计
Fashion Design  时装设计
Design and Colour Technology  设计与颜色工艺
Graphic and Communication Design构图与信息设计
Design and Technology Management 设计与技术管理
Textile Design  织物图案
Engineering (MEng/BEng) 工程
Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering
Digital Media Engineering
Architectural Engineering
Electronic and Communications Engineering
Automotive Engineering
Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Chemical and Energy Engineering
Electronic Engineering
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Electronics and Computer Engineering
Chemical and Mineral Engineering
Electronics and Nanotechnology
Chemical and Nuclear Engineering
Energy and Environmental Engineering
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Mechanical with Nuclear Engineering
Civil and Structural Engineering
Mechatronics and Robotics
Civil Engineering with Construction Management
Medical Engineering
Civil Engineering with Nuclear Engineering
Petroleum Engineering
Joint Honours (BA/BSc)  合作课程
Asia Pacific Studies and Economics (BA)
International Development and South East Asian Studies (BA)
Asia Pacific Studies and International Relations (BA)
International Development and Thai and South East Asian Studies (BA)
Asia Pacific Studies and Management (BA)
International Relations and Thai and South East Asian Studies (BA)
Asia Pacific Studies and Politics (BA)
Management and Mathematics (BSc)
Biochemistry and Chemistry (BSc)
Management and Philosophy (BA)
Biology and History and Philosophy of Science (BSc)
Management and South East Asian Studies (BA)
Biology and Management (BSc)
Management and Thai and South East Asian Studies (BA)
Biology and Mathematics (BSc)
Mathematics and Philosophy (BSc)
Chemical Engineering and Chemistry (BSc)
Mathematics and Physics (BSc)
Chemistry and History and Philosophy of Science (BSc)
Middle Eastern Studies and Politics (BA)
Chemistry and Mathematics (BSc)
Middle Eastern Studies and Sociology (BA)
Chemistry and Philosophy (BSc)
Natural Sciences (MNatSci)
Chemistry and Physics (BSc)
Philosophy and Physics (BSc)
Economics and Mathematics (BSc)
Philosophy and Politics (BA)
Economics and Philosophy (BA)
Philosophy and Social Policy (BA)
Economics and Politics (BA)
Philosophy and Sociology (BA)
Economics and South East Asian Studies (BA)
Philosophy and Thai and South East Asian Studies (BA)
Economics and Thai and South East Asian Studies (BA)
Philosophy and Theology and Religious Studies (BA)
History and Philosophy of Science and Management (BA)
Politics and Social Policy (BA)
History and Philosophy of Science and Physics (BSc)
Politics and Sociology (BA)
History and Philosophy of Science and Politics (BA)
Politics and South East Asian Studies (BA)
History and Philosophy of Science and Theology and Religious Studies (BA)
Politics and Thai and South East Asian Studies (BA)
Politics and Theology and Religious Studies (BA)
Sociology and Theology and Religious Studies (BA)
Performance (BA) 表演
Dance  舞蹈
Performance Design 表演设计
Managing Performance  表演管理
Theatre and Performance  戏剧与表演
Science (BSc) 科学
Actuarial Mathematics  精算数学
Mathematics with Finance 金融数学
Artificial Intelligence  人工智能
Medical Biochemistry  生物化学
Aviation Technology and Management航空技术与管理
Medical Microbiology医用微生物学
Aviation Technology with Pilot Studies航空技术与初步研究
Medical Physics  医学物理
Biochemistry 生物化学
Medical Sciences 医学科学
Biological Sciences  生物学
Medicinal Chemistry 医学化学
Biology 生物
Meteorology and Atmospheric Science气象与大气科学
Chemistry 化学
Microbiology 微生物学
Chemistry with Analytical Chemistry 分析化学
Microbiology with Immunology 免疫学
Computer Science 计算机科学
Microbiology with Virology 过滤微生物学
Computer Science with Mathematics  计算机数学
Nanotechnology (Chemical)  纳米化学
Computing 计算机
Nanotechnology (Physical)  纳米物理学
Ecology and Environmental Biology
Environmental Science
Food Science
Food Studies and Nutrition
Physics with Astrophysics
Geological Sciences
Physics with Nanotechnology
Geophysical Sciences
Product Design (BDes/MDes)
Human Physiology
Information Technology
Sports and Exercise Sciences
Mathematical Studies
Sports Science and Physiology
Theoretical Physics (MPhys)
Mathematics and Statistics


