软件工程(Software Engineering)按照所处领域不同可以分为系统分析员、软件设计师、系统架构师、程序员、测试员等,但一般都统称程序员。
常见学位 | BS、MS、M.Eng |
典型职业与薪水 | 程序员:$78,260 |
签证敏感度 | 无 |
高中课程准备 | 理科 |
所属专业领域 | 工科 |
相关排名 |
- 程序员(Computer Programmers):$78,260
- 程序开发师(Software Developers, Applications):$93,280
- 系统开发师(Software Developers, Systems Software): $102,550
- 网络开发师(Web Developers):$66,100
- 数据库管理员(Database Administrators):$79,120
- 网络及计算机系统管理员(Network and Computer Systems Administrators):$76,320
- 网络架构师(Computer Network Architects):$94,000
- 系统分析员(Computer Systems Analysts):$83,800
- 信息安全分析员(Information Security Analysts):$89,290
排名 | 院校 | 分数 |
#1 | Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA |
5.0 |
#1 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA |
5.0 |
#1 | Stanford University Stanford, CA |
5.0 |
#1 | University of California-Berkeley Berkeley, CA |
5.0 |
#5 | University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign Urbana, IL |
4.6 |
#6 | Cornell University Ithaca, NY |
4.5 |
#6 | University of Washington Seattle, WA |
4.5 |
#8 | Princeton University Princeton, NJ |
4.4 |
#9 | Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA |
4.3 |
#9 | University of Texas-Austin Austin, TX |
4.3 |
#11 | California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA |
4.2 |
#11 | University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison, WI |
4.2 |
#13 | University of California-Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA |
4.1 |
#13 | University of Michigan-Ann Arbor Ann Arbor, MI |
4.1 |
#15 | Columbia University New York, NY |
4.0 |
#15 | University of California-San Diego La Jolla, CA |
4.0 |
#15 | University of Maryland-College Park College Park, MD |
4.0 |
#18 | Harvard University Cambridge, MA |
3.9 |
#19 | University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA |
3.8 |
#20 | Brown University Providence, RI |
3.7 |
#20 | Purdue University-West Lafayette West Lafayette, IN |
3.7 |
#20 | Rice University Houston, TX |
3.7 |
#20 | University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA |
3.7 |
#20 | Yale University New Haven, CT |
3.7 |
#25 | Duke University Durham, NC |
3.6 |
#25 | University of Massachusetts-Amherst Amherst, MA |
3.6 |
#25 | University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, NC |
3.6 |
#28 | Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD |
3.5 |
#29 | New York University New York, NY |
3.4 |
#29 | Pennsylvania State University-University Park University Park, PA |
3.4 |
#29 | University of California-Irvine Irvine, CA |
3.4 |
#29 | University of Minnesota-Twin Cities Minneapolis, MN |
3.4 |
#29 | University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA |
3.4 |
#34 | Northwestern University Evanston, IL |
3.3 |
#34 | Ohio State University Columbus, OH |
3.3 |
#34 | Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey-New Brunswick Piscataway, NJ |
3.3 |
#34 | University of California-Davis Davis, CA |
3.3 |
#34 | University of California-Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, CA |
3.3 |
#34 | University of Chicago Chicago, IL |
3.3 |
#40 | Dartmouth College Hanover, NH |
3.1 |
#40 | Stony Brook University-SUNY Stony Brook, NY |
3.1 |
#40 | Texas A&M University-College Station College Station, TX |
3.1 |
#40 | University of Arizona Tucson, AZ |
3.1 |
#40 | University of Colorado-Boulder Boulder, CO |
3.1 |
#40 | University of Utah Salt Lake City, UT |
3.1 |
#40 | Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA |
3.1 |
#40 | Washington University in St. Louis St. Louis, MO |
3.1 |
#48 | Arizona State University Tempe, AZ |
3.0 |
#48 | Boston University Boston, MA |
3.0 |
#48 | North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC |
3.0 |
#48 | University of Florida Gainesville, FL |
3.0 |
#52 | Indiana University-Bloomington Bloomington, IN |
2.9 |
#52 | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy, NY |
2.9 |
#52 | University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA |
2.9 |
#52 | University of Rochester Rochester, NY |
2.9 |
#56 | Michigan State University East Lansing, MI |
2.8 |
#56 | University of California-Riverside Riverside, CA |
2.8 |
#56 | University of California-Santa Cruz Santa Cruz, CA |
2.8 |
#56 | Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN |
2.8 |
#60 | Northeastern University Boston, MA |
2.7 |
#60 | University of Illinois-Chicago Chicago, IL |
2.7 |
#60 | University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, IN |
2.7 |
#63 | Iowa State University Ames, IA |
2.6 |
#63 | University at Buffalo-SUNY Buffalo, NY |
2.6 |
#63 | University of Iowa Iowa City, IA |
2.6 |
#63 | University of Oregon Eugene, OR |
2.6 |
#67 | George Mason University Fairfax, VA |
2.5 |
#67 | Oregon State University Corvallis, OR |
2.5 |
#67 | Syracuse University Syracuse, NY |
2.5 |
#70 | Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, OH |
2.4 |
#70 | College of William and Mary Williamsburg, VA |
2.4 |
#70 | Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO |
2.4 |
#70 | Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA |
2.4 |
#70 | New York University Brooklyn, NY |
2.4 |
#70 | Tufts University Medford, MA |
2.4 |
#70 | University of Delaware Newark, DE |
2.4 |
#70 | University of Maryland-Baltimore County Baltimore, MD |
2.4 |
#70 | University of Nebraska-Lincoln Lincoln, NE |
2.4 |
#70 | University of Tennessee-Knoxville Knoxville, TN |
2.4 |
#70 | University of Texas-Dallas Richardson, TX |
2.4 |
#70 | Washington State University Pullman, WA |
2.4 |
#82 | Brandeis University Waltham, MA |
2.3 |
#82 | Clemson University Clemson, SC |
2.3 |
#82 | CUNY Graduate School and University Center New York, NY |
2.3 |
#82 | Florida State University Tallahassee, FL |
2.3 |
#82 | George Washington University Washington, DC |
2.3 |
#82 | University of Connecticut Storrs, CT |
2.3 |
#82 | University of Kansas Lawrence, KS |
2.3 |
#82 | University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM |
2.3 |
#90 | Auburn University Auburn, AL |
2.2 |
#90 | Brigham Young University Provo, UT |
2.2 |
#90 | Drexel University Philadelphia, PA |
2.2 |
#90 | Kansas State University Manhattan, KS |
2.2 |
#90 | New Jersey Institute of Technology Newark, NJ |
2.2 |
#90 | Oregon Health and Science University Beaverton, OR |
2.2 |
#90 | University of Central Florida Orlando, FL |
2.2 |
#90 | University of Georgia Athens, GA |
2.2 |
#90 | University of Kentucky Lexington, KY |
2.2 |
#90 | University of Texas-Arlington Arlington, TX |
2.2 |
#90 | Worcester Polytechnic Institute Worcester, MA |
2.2 |
#101 | Colorado School of Mines Golden, CO |
2.1 |
#101 | Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago, IL |
2.1 |
#101 | Lehigh University Bethlehem, PA |
2.1 |
#101 | Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge Baton Rouge, LA |
2.1 |
#101 | Stevens Institute of Technology Hoboken, NJ |
2.1 |
#101 | University at Albany-SUNY Albany, NY |
2.1 |
#101 | University of Houston Houston, TX |
2.1 |
#101 | University of Missouri Columbia, MO |
2.1 |
#101 | University of North Carolina-Charlotte Charlotte, NC |
2.1 |
#101 | University of South Carolina Columbia, SC |
2.1 |
#101 | University of South Florida Tampa, FL |
2.1 |
#112 | Binghamton University-SUNY Binghamton, NY |
2.0 |
#112 | Georgia State University Atlanta, GA |
2.0 |
#112 | Missouri University of Science & Technology Rolla, MO |
2.0 |
#112 | Southern Methodist University Dallas, TX |
2.0 |
#112 | Temple University Philadelphia, PA |
2.0 |
#112 | University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH |
2.0 |
#112 | University of Oklahoma Norman, OK |
2.0 |
#112 | Wayne State University Detroit, MI |
2.0 |
#112 | West Virginia University Morgantown, WV |
2.0 |